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The 2015 legislature decision of the Kanton Zurich to transfer new responsibilities relating to Real Estate and University Medicine Zurich to UZH is a major factor driving the increase in autonomy across the University; it also places significant demands on the management of UZH as a whole. As a result of these changes, the Executive Board of the University was restructured with effect from 1 August 2018: With the addition of the Directors of UMZH and Real Estate and Facility Management, the Executive Board of the University has comprised seven members since 1 August 2018.
By 1 August 2020, as part of the Governance 2020+ program, the previous intermediary system of Vice Presidents will be replaced with new tasks, authority levels, and responsibilities focusing on the cross-faculty functions of the individual UL areas. This change will allow the Executive Board of the University to align its work more closely with the ongoing strategic development of UZH.