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Governance 2020+

Realignment of the Executive Board of the University with Strategic Management of UZH

The 2015 legislature decision of the Kanton Zurich to transfer new responsibilities relating to Real Estate and University Medicine Zurich to UZH is a major factor driving the increase in autonomy across the University; it also places significant demands on the management of UZH as a whole. As a result of these changes, the Executive Board of the University was restructured with effect from 1 August 2018: With the addition of the Directors of UMZH and Real Estate and Facility Management, the Executive Board of the University has comprised seven members since 1 August 2018.

By 1 August 2020, as part of the Governance 2020+ program, the previous intermediary system of Vice Presidents will be replaced with new tasks, authority levels, and responsibilities focusing on the cross-faculty functions of the individual UL areas. This change will allow the Executive Board of the University to align its work more closely with the ongoing strategic development of UZH.

Systematic alignment of UL areas with cross-faculty functions

  • Eliminating the intermediary system: The Vice Presidents will relinquish their intermediary role. They will align their areas with cross-faculty and University-wide services.
  • Definition of specific responsibilities: Each topic and organizational unit will be clearly assigned to the responsibility area of a UL member. Motions to the UL are submitted via the assigned responsible UL member.
  • Coordinated management cycle: Strategic management tasks in the UL areas and at their interface to the faculties are enacted based on a management cycle defined by the UL.
  • New regulation governing organization: The newly defined tasks, authority levels, and responsibilities, as well as the regulations for motions made by the deans to the UL, are incorporated into the new organization regulations at the UL-level (Organisationsreglement der UL) published by the UL.

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